Monday, August 13, 2007


Iowa Straw Poll Results 2007

Somehow Ron Paul is still ignored while Rudy and Fred and Tommy are advanced in the MSM.

The final standings:

1. Mitt Romney - 4516 votes, 31%
2. Mike Huckabee - 2587 votes, 18.1%
3. Sam Brownback - 2192 votes, 15.3%
4. Tom Tancredo - 1961 votes, 13.7%
5. Ron Paul - 1305 votes, 9.1%
6. Tommy Thompson - 1,009 votes, 7.3%
7. Fred Thompson - 231 votes
8. Rudy Giuliani - 183 votes
9. Duncan Hunter - 174 votes
10. John McCain - 101 votes
11. John Cox - 41 votes

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

NY Time Changes Strategy

As the surge in troop strength appears to:

1. Be working;
2. Be popular in the States,

the New York Times suddenly begins to report "news" that isn't new as a way to try and undermine America.

"Iran-Supplied Bomb Is Killing More Troops in Iraq, U.S. Says

BAGHDAD, Aug. 7 — Attacks on American-led forces using a lethal type of roadside bomb said to be supplied by Iran reached a new high in July, according to the American military.

The devices, known as explosively formed penetrators, were used to carry out 99 attacks last month and accounted for a third of the combat deaths suffered by the American-led forces, according to American military officials."

Iran's involvement has been know for what, two years?

NYT: "All the news that is negative and fits our anti-Bush agenda."

Great motto.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Why Guantanamo is more wrong than right.

Because it fails.

Case in point:

From Dick Morris - "Calling him a "senior Taliban commander," The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Abdullah Mehsud blew himself up at his hide-out in the town of Zhob in southwestern Baluchistan Province in Pakistan, rather than surrender to government forces.

But what was he doing commanding Taliban troops in the first place? Mehsud had been captured by American forces in northern Afghanistan in December 2001 and sent to the Guantanamo Detention Center."

In reality, a proper legal proceeding would allow us to keep a prisoner of war until the war is over....

Of course, if we implant them with GPS tags....

Feral Dogs

What is the difference between a feral dog and a Muslim extremist?

Not much it seems:

Update 2:45pm Eastern. Yonhap reports, “The Taliban, claiming Monday to have executed another male South Korean hostage, threatened it will continue to kill more of them and more frequently. Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, who claims to speak for the militant group, told Yonhap in indirect contact that the Taliban will start to kill female hostages after the men, should negotiations fail.”

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ron Paul - Amazing Stats

Ron Paul has achieved an amazing feat - he has a tremendous following, but can't seem to get mentioned on mainstream television.

With radical ideas, such as freedom, individual rights, and non-interventionist foreign policy, many Americans find his point of view compelling.

I worry for him.

And in the interest of full disclosure - he has my vote and financial support.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Only Solution

"Pakistan Rebel Mosque Leader Killed"

The only way that Islamic extremists will be controlled is went Muslims themselves refuse to permit the barbaric behavior from continuing.

Meanwhile the U.S. can, and must, continue to try and stabilize Iraq. It is a moral duty. And I think most Americans would not shirk such an obligation.

But real progress can only be made when Iraqis demand those who kill civilians be expelled and expunged.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Ann Coulter vs Paris Hilton

Has the similarity between Ann Coulter and Paris Hilton escaped everyone?

Paris, darling of all media in all time and space, and Ann Coulter, the loud, brash, harpie of the right wing, are both extraordinarily expert at turning their golden locks and outrageous selves into cash machines.

And both have been dominating the culture, commanding more time and space in print and broadcast, web and word, than anyone since... well, anyone.

The media has now demonstrated that outrageousness is the standard.