Tuesday, May 29, 2007


There is nothing morally or logically wrong with suggesting that the entire story of 9/11 has not come out in the mainstream press.

And there is nothing in that statement that suggests that the U.S. government, elected officials, or employees of the government planned or executed the events of 9/11.

Let's look at a few bits of logic:

1. We know there was a conspiracy on the part of no less than 19 hijackers.

2. We know that several years before there was a conspiracy to topple the twin towers on the part of middle eastern terrorists by placing a large explosive device in the basement of the WTC.

Would it be so hard to believe that this attack combined the efforts of more than 19 men, all focused on toppling the towers? That their attack included, perhaps, bombs in the basement? Perhaps even suicide bombers inside other floors of the towers?

Yes, this is wild speculation. But it's just to point out that there is a certain logic to there being a broader conspiracy that the 19 hijackers.

Here is the fundamental problem: The investigation into 9/11 was woefully, perhaps immorally, incomplete.

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