Friday, May 25, 2007

What Really Happened?

The conspiracy nut crowd has pretty well destroyed any ability to engage in a discussion about the events of 9/11/2001, as witnessed by Rudy's assault against, and distortion of, the comments of Ron Paul.

Yet there are some genuine puzzles. The "magic bullet" of 9/11 is Building 7.

Yes. It had a fire.

Yes. It was a serious fire.

Was it brought down on purpose?

If this clip is correct, then Building 7 was brought down intentionally.

Ok, no problem. Probably a good decision. But who rigged the explosives, and when did they do it?

You can see that this one snippet of video opens lots and lots of doors.

This does not mean that George Bush, Carl Rove, or any other government official planned 9/11 and to suggest otherwise is silly and irresponsible. But there are legitimate questions to ask.

For example, is it impossible that the Trade Center was attacked not only by two airliners impacting them, but also by truck bombs in the basement? Could suicide bombers have infiltrated the various floors to set off further explosions? There are witnesses and video/audio that supports the notion of additional explosions.

Since there was a truck bomb attack on the WTC is this so impossible to consider? And might it not have an impact on how we conduct national security in the future?

To hear more about Building 7:

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