Monday, June 4, 2007

Stupidity will Succeed

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), who led negotiations on the (immigration) bill for his party, said the flood of angry calls and protests that greeted the deal two weeks ago has since receded every day.

To permit uncontrolled immigration, and engage in accomodations before order is restored, is moronic. It will lead to the end of America.

Having now annoyed pro-illegal alien partisans, let's annoy conservatives.

Every illegal alien should be given a work-permit card. No questions asked. That would make them legal.

This should happen at the same time as a huge fence goes up, and the border is closed.

Ask me why the government LOVES illegal immegration.

Ask me why a real solution will NEVER be implemented.

And as for reconquista - folks, Mexico is a massively screwed up society. It is getting worse as time goes by. And it makes no sense to reunite the American west with such a crappy system.

Kids, who can tell me how long California was part of Mexico?

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